Tuesday, April 17, 2007

St James Park in Bulgaria - Campsite and Hostel

Note: This is not  a MyMovers' service.

Fancy an adventure this summer?

Why not try Bulgaria?
St James Park Campsite and Hostel is in the village of Voditsa, 20 km from Popovo.

This campsite is probably going to be one of the coolest campsites in Europe – its in a lovely field full of flowers with apple and walnut trees. The land is managed organically and we’re using alternative technology where we can.

You’ll have an opportunity to see how village life goes on as it has done for years. You can meet the neighbours and help on their farms if you want.

The countryside around is gentle rolling hills and glorious forests.

Check us out at www.stjamespark.biz and hopefully you’ll want to do something a bit different this summer.

And don’t forget anyone who arrives in a Newcastle United shirt gets a free breakfast!

Tents and bikes for hire.

This is our first year so make sure you get your name in the first visitor’s book – be there at the beginning!